Monday 6 August 2012


Many of you have already seen the pictures and heard the story but it is such a significant part of my experience so far that I just had to do a post on it. I hadn't started this blog yet when I had the chance to meet Jane Goodall so here is how it all went down.

I love animals. I adore primates. I am CRAZY about chimpanzees! Combine that with the fact that Jane Goodall was a pioneer, is a woman, an adventurer, an environmentalist and I am smitten. Did you know that she didn't have a degree or any scientific background when she set off to Tanzania to study the chimps, a testament that if you set your mind to doing something you can make it happen.

 I remember as a kid learning of who she was and thinking she was crazy cool. I saw a picture of her when she was just a young woman in the jungle with a chimp holding her hand and I wanted to be her.(But that's the thing with pioneers, you can't really repeat what they've done and still be a pioneer, so I am finding my own path) Stay tuned though, because I have every intention to go to Gombe where she worked and meet those chimps for myself.

When I found out that she would be in Tanzania, the very country in which she began her groundbreaking work on chimpanzees, I knew I had to go tell that bitch what I thought of her (Sorry mom). How cool is that, I got to meet her here. Although I had already seen the movie, it was given to me as a gift, I went to "Little Theatre" here in Dar to watch the film and hear her speak for a few minutes afterwards.The last time she was here apparently the theatre was packed, standing room only. So I nerdily got there an hour early. The theatre wasn't even half full so I only had to share her with about 60 people at most. This woman is often speaking to stadiums, how lucky am I.

Well she arrived late like the rockstar that she is and sat right in front of me during the last 20 minutes of the movie. I could hardly contain myself.  (When I did get the mic in my hand during the Q&A period I told her she really is a rock star. How embarrassing).

I happen to have a photo on my kitchen wall back home of one of the chimpanzees that she rescued. My boyfriend sweetly scanned it for me and I printed it so that I would have something that she could sign.Afterwards I had the chance to chit chat with her for a bit.

Here is a compilation of how meeting such an inspirational childhood hero can bring you back to your childhood spirit. I even look different here. I was absolutely giddy.

I'm next in line to meet Jane... I truly don't
 know when the last time I got that excited was

You guys, she's listening to me, she's looking at me!!

Telling her about "Kudia" who hangs
 in my kitchen

Do you see a resemblance?
 I totally think I should
play her in her biopic.

1 comment:

  1. Great Stuff! Its not everyday you meet your life long hero! And in the country the work was done, so cool! Lucky!
