Thursday 2 August 2012


Something I have become very passionate about over the past few years is water. I am so grateful that I have a sink faucet that I can drink out of at any time. In fact, I could also drink out of the bathroom faucet, the shower, and if I were a better housekeeper: the toilet. Seriously, it's all the same water.

Many years ago I used to drink bottled water as I fell for the mass marketing hoax that it was healthier for me. Now, when in Canada, I try to never buy bottled water and am almost always seen with my steel water bottle from (It's Matt Damon's pet project) filled with good old tap water. Hey Matt Damon! If you are reading this, which you probably are, why wouldn't you be? I WANT TO WORK FOR YOU and while were at it I could use an acting gig too. There are those people who have argued with me that tap water is not as good for you but I would argue that the negative implications of bottled water are far greater. Check this out for a quick overview if your interested:

Here in Dar es Salaam I must buy bottled water to drink but still use the tap water to cook with. Water is a big issue for people here; to cook, clean, and water their plants with. This is where things have gotten really exciting. Although I have no background in water issues, somehow I managed to be placed in a job here where I am overseeing the drilling of a borehole. This is really exciting to me. Don't get me wrong, it is actually really mundane: I am dealing with contracts and multiple meetings and negotiations. I am not doing the drilling although below is a photo of me pretending I am. Today I was at the site as they began drilling and I felt so excited that this borehole will help the group we are working with irrigate their land, allowing them to grow crops to feed themselves and earn an income.

The tricky part is, it is very close to the ocean and there are already boreholes that have salt water. You can't water a garden with salt. So, tomorrow it gets even more exciting, or not- I find out if this water we dug to today will be usable. Please, please, please, please.....

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