Monday 20 August 2012


I am thinking how interesting it is that the exact same situation can feel entirely different depending on how you perceive it.

My home just went from a safe-haven to a dangerous prison in a single realization. I just noticed my roommate took my key and I couldn’t get out of here if I wanted to (the lock is one of those ones where it can only be opened with a key whether from the inside or outside). It put me in a panic.

If I hadn’t seen she took my key, I wouldn’t feel any differently. I would have still been reading my book in the comfort of my secure little home. It is the bars on every window and the inability for anyone to get in here that allows me to relax within these walls on an ordinary day. However, without that key to unlock the door, I am literally trapped in here. (definitely not the safest feature and I don’t know much about this but I’m pretty sure that isn’t up to building codes back home)

What a difference it makes feeling like you are locking the bad guys out verses being the good guy locked in. Having the key in your possession rather than someone else and your perspective make all the difference in the world. Clearly this can apply to a multitude of things on an emotional and personal level as well. I will take this opportunity to ruminate on that while IAMTRAPPEDINMYF*@KINGAPARTMENT.

Below find a visual representation of my feelings.
the bars on my window on a normal day

the bars on my windows at this moment

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