Sunday 5 August 2012


There is so much to write about. I already have so many stories to tell, some important, and many trivial. I’ll get to them all eventually. As I was trying to decide what to share today, I remembered it’s Pride Weekend in Vancouver.

It's a chance for everyone to celebrate equal rights (essentially why I am here in Africa) and the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community. This is one of my favorite times to be in Vancouver. People of all ages and orientations are out enjoying the festivities. I love when I see families out with their young children. I think it is an amazing opportunity to teach acceptance and diversity and maybe even learn about the historical struggle this particular group has had to face.

Yesterday I spent the day with a friend who happens to be gay. He is in his late 20’s from Canada and told me how he was afraid to come out until he was finished university. He was afraid to even admit it to himself. This is a common story among my gay friends and I think it is a testament to the need for continued awareness and education.

In Tanzania same sex activities are illegal and can lead to a penalty of imprisonment. Richer countries have threatened to deny any more aid if Tanzania does not change its laws regarding homosexuality (Yay!) but Tanzania remains steadfast and refuses to change its laws (Boo!). Last year the director of an organization that works toward the rights of LGBT was detained by police and released under the condition that he cease his activism. Hard to make changes under these conditions. I can only imagine how people who are deemed homosexual are treated. It is terrifying. How lucky are we as Canadians to have had politicians who say things like this: "The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation."- Pierre Trudeau. I was too young to know what it was like when he was in office, but dude, I definitely agree with you there.

So today I am reminded that although human rights should be universal, they are not. And that what took decades to create, the acceptance and rights of LGBT in Canada, can be torn down quickly. So get out, support, and celebrate your fellow HUMAN. Wish I could be there.

PS. I just worked out then immediately had a Toblerone


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