Thursday 16 August 2012

Adorable Pests

I was reading a manual for urban agriculture today and came across this:

“If there are goats or monkeys in the area provision need to be made so that the food is not eaten or destroyed by these animals.”

True. I imagine it is a nuisance but I think it is ADORABLE.  This is definitely not an issue for urban farmers in Vancouver. Is it wrong that I want this problem.

I think I'd lose my mind with excitement if I saw this guy
on my patio steeling some lettuce.

I guarantee I would be putting things out there to attract them. Back home I put bread out to get the birds to come by-even though the beau doesn't like them eating the veggies he planted. I just love animals, and the older I get, I even appreciate birds. Hmm. (If I'm not careful I am going to be one of those crazy old ladies pushing her dog around in a stroller)

Or how about these two having a stare down over the goods:

now this is a little off topic but in searching for cute goat pics, I found this. I think my boxer back home needs a pet goat. Interspecies friendships are the best!

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