Monday 17 September 2012

Opportunity in Change

My apartment was in an ideal place relative to my office. Up until a week ago when the office had to move. For my first 3 months here I had a five minute walk to the office. I said hello to the same woman each morning cooking cassava and the man sewing on his doorstep. It was quite safe because the route is a pothole filled dirt road so no worries of anyone driving by and snatching my bag.

When I found out our office was moving I was a little upset not only because I need to get up an hour earlier. Walking with my laptop for a greater distance is stressful, and transport costs money, something I don't have much of right now.

My amazing boss agreed to pick me up part way. So now I walk for only about 15 minutes then wait at the very busy corner and he picks me up. What originally seemed like a burden and a stress has been so positive. On this walk I now encounter so many more experiences. I still take the same route past the old office and see the old faces and then I carry on past the mchicha farm(amaranth-like a spinach) where I say hello to the women I have worked with through the Tanzanian Food and Garden Network. Next I pitstop in a little field where women are cooking and men are sitting eating. A couple times a week I stop here and buy chapati and get laughed at and appreciated for speaking swahili. It is a whole lot of oil first thing in the morning (or any time of day) and I would never eat it back home, but it gives me chance to be part of something and although I can't really know what these women are thinking, it feels like I have a camaraderie with them because I am embracing a part of their culture, their daily life.

Next I walk along a busy road where I pass many people heading to work and school. Children snicker at me and often say the few English words they have learned "Good morning how are you- I am fine". Many women and men also say their swahili greetings to me as we pass by each other.  I have learned that this walk is quite safe and today my biggest worry was what once was a feeling of security. I walk past the American embassy which takes up about one city block and in light of all the news over the past few days, it is not really a place I want to be close to unfortunately. I really hope everyone is safe and there can be a peaceful resolution soon.

Not only did my boss offer to pick me up at the corner each day, he also negotiated with a Bajaj driver for my ride home. So Leonard, the bajaji, picks me up every afternoon at the office and takes me home. He will stop and wait for me to pick up groceries or go to the bank if I need. And I feel safe with him and we laugh and I truly enjoy it more than the ease of simply getting home in 5 minutes. Leonard is becoming my friend and knowing him is enhancing each day for me. This morning he saw me waiting to get picked up by my boss and he stopped and insisted he drive me free of charge. So what once seemed like a burden, the office moving, is actually a blessing.  I could not have predicted it but I am grateful for the longer day, the longer journey, it is fuller and much more satisfying.
This is Leonard, driving me home. 

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